Bus 141 will not run the morning or afternoon route tomorrow, Tuesday, December 14th. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Save the Date: Drive Through Food Giveaway at the Treehouse Pantry: 12-16-21 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
We are hiring!
We are hiring!!
Mention the fundraise at the register and Slim Chickens will donate 15% of your total to the Rollins Elementary PTA.
Our students and staff are enjoying some holiday fun. We have 2 sneaky elves that hide throughout our building. We find the elves and our teachers have some fun taking selfies with them. Enjoy some of our selfies with the elves.
If you have ever considered attending Camp War Eagle, let this year be the year! Applications are currently being accepted for the overnight camp and day camp.
If you have any questions or need any additional information, email Mrs. Johnson at jjohnson5@sdale.org or visit the website. https://campwareagle.org/
We studied the Macy's Day Parade and held our own balloon parade through the school today.
Thank you to our Rollins PTA for providing lunch and dessert for teachers and staff today!
Today students got to learn from archeologists and how they explore, study, and interpret information about people who lived long ago.
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee finalists!
Congratulations to Mrs. Cox's and Mrs. Passmore's classes for raising the most money for United Way. They were rewarded with a pie the face!! Please follow the link to see the celebration.
Will the turkey be able to "escape" from the farmer so he doesn't get eaten at Thanksgiving?
Bus 216 will not be running today. Please make plans to bring your child to school and pick up your child from school. We are sorry for the inconvenience.